Screen capture
Screen capturing is important because it allows explanations to be so much easier. You can use you screen captures to resource to when speaking so others can see what you're seeing. There are a lot of different ways you can screen record. On Mac (made by apple) there is a function where you can screen record.
To do this press command shift 5 on your keyboard.

This bar should pop up along with a lined box around the screen. The lined box shows whatever is going to be recorded and included in the box. Where the bar is the control panel and control what type of capture you want to do. If you want to record the entire screen press the box in-between the lined box icons. Next to it on the right is where you can select what proportion of the screen you would like to record.
If you click on options you can choose settings such as what device you want to use as your microphone as well as where you would like to save the audio file. Below you can also choose what thumbnails you want to add with it.

Once you settle on your settings and everything is set up you can press record on the control panel and when you want the recording to stop click the exact same button. Once the recording is stopped a file should be saved with the recording of your screen capture video.
Another way you can screen record is by using the software OBS. This isn't an apple exclusive software thats built in so this is what I would probably use of I didn't have an apple product.

Since I have a MacBook I will be able to use the screen capture function to record my website review. This will make it much easier for me as I won't have to download OBS off of the internet. OBS is also a bit more complex, so all though screen capture is more simple, OBS has more to offer.
Screen record review
After doing the screen record with a snow ball mic I found the software really easy to use. I had no trouble with the recording and using the different tool as well as setting everything up. The snow ball mic was also really helpful, providing a clear recording of my voice commenting on my Portfolio work. The script I wrote on my pre-production page worked really well, after the recording I was able to edit it on the different Adobe softwares. I used Adobe Audition to fix the stutters, pauses and background noises in the video to produce an easy to listen video of me going through my Portfolio. I then used Adobe Premiere pro to edit the visuals to complement the audio. This is the original screen record.