portfolio website layout


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After being satisfied with the final product I sent the website to my teacher for an opinion on the site, so that I could correct myself from any mistakes or fix issues he found with the site. This was the feedback:

The first thing I did was fix the spelling mistake on the 'about me' page. Next I removed the about me section on the home page as it was already on the second page. I think this was copied over originally but I forgot to delete the original text. The third thing I did when taking Paul's feedback was by stretching the images so that the full image could be seen. I knew this was a problem even before sending my work for feedback, its just that I didn't you could stretch the images on google sites. This simple thing took me a while to figure out nevertheless my work page ended up looking much better. The fourth issue was easy to fix so that was fixed in seconds as well as the fifth issue which just needed font changes for the text on each page. With all of this done My website looks a lot more professional.  

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