website analysis
1st website break down
Bespoke Banter
The name of the website is Bespoke Banter. Bespoke create videos and do photo shoots fro companies. They promote companies by making them adverts that are seen and watched over the internet. They do this for companies that sell clothes as well as food.
From the companies that they work with I can tell their target audience are adults. This is because They are the type of audience who would shop at these places or buy their product. Some of these companies link with fashion and tech to take pictures. Kids wouldn't be interested in this sought of stuff unlike adults who might need it for work (such as the Canon) or who might just want to buy their products. Other than Coca cola I don't think any kid would recognise these companies that Bespoke Banter work with.
How does the website work?
The website works using the different titles on the menu bar. When clicked on different categories come up send the customer to new pages. The website is very clear in finding the answer to what you're trying to find. The information is placed well in the different pages on the site. Something that I found this site lacked compared to a lot of more professional sites is white space. While going through the pages I found a lot of white space that could have been used up.
This white space could have been used up and I think with this problem the site doesn't look as professional. Another thing is that at the bottom of the page usually on most well known sites there is a terms of service. There isn't any of that at the bottom of the page, this is another thing I found which made the site feel less professional. I did like though the clips and slide shows the used. I think the layout is good but the site needs to fix a few things to make the layout even better and make the website more professional.
The style of the different fonts and designs I think are easy to read. They fit well with the site. The colour used for this site is purple which in my opinion works well here, purple is often thought as quite a creative colour and that is exactly what this company uses. Creating Advertisements for companies. Making videos and taking photos. Like I said the fonts used are readable and easy to read. A lot of the text is bold which is great because then people looking at the website won't miss the messages the website is trying to get across. The font used is a Sans Serif font which I find to be a bit easier to read, it's also a lot more modern. It takes away the seriousness that Serif uses.
The site is pretty eye catching with its videos and photos when you go on the site for the first time. On the main page are two videos, one explains what the company does and the other has a lot of moving images This way my attention is immediately caught and I watch the video the website wants me to watch. Because of this I'm now engaged with what the company are trying to sell.
2nd website break down
John Brawley
The name of the website is John Brawley. They make film/Tv series trailers.Because of this their clients seem to be a lot of film productions. That and a lot of streaming services. The films they seem to promote are all films that are aimed at adults, so John Brawley's demographic is adults who regularly watch tv.
The only page links are the text on the task bar. So the only way to get from page to page is through this. I think this is a massive issue, this is the only way to move around the page. There's no links whatsoever to go on different pages on the site. There are links on each of the different emails scattered about which is good but all of them lead to different websites. I think the site could have added more ways to go on the same page.
The design aesthetics for this website aren't great either. There's a lot of white space so there's barely any colour. I think the main colour the website creator has gone for are the colours black and white a basic selection of colours. The website doesn't utilise any colours for the website. The text on the pages are a bit basic as well although I think it kind of works. All the words are readable and clear so it is clear what the site is trying to explain. There are no serifs in the font which makes the font more modern, this also makes the website less serious
As a movie trailer website this site does use have some slideshows moving images along. Slideshows help show what the website has to offer. They show multiple images/videos, the slideshow swaps through every few seconds. This gives people a good idea of what the site is about. I think this site could have added another slideshow rather than just the one, instead of having every single trailer the company 'John Brawley' has worked with on one page.
I think the site could've done a better job at interacting with the site. The navigation bar is the only way to travel across the different pages so these are the only interactions that can be made to go on other pages is that. It's good how you can access and watch the videos on the site. In terms of links most of the links are emails. This is good since people/customers looking through the pages can contact if needed to. Though I think there should be more links and ways to interact with the site, so that it can be easier to use and navigate through. When going through the pages I barely noticed an icon in the bottom right corner. When going down the pages this would show up and allow you to go back to the top of the page you were on. I thought this was a nice feature.
Something that I've taken inspiration from in this website review and might use in the future is the scroll up button. It was quite hidden but when scrolling down a page the button would show up allowing the user to go back up to the top of the page. I thought this was a nice feature, I struggled to see this though so if I were to use this I would make it more clearer.
Because the icon is hidden on the twitter and discord links I didn't notice anything was there. Considering there's a massive amount of white space I think this should've been dealt with better. If I were to use this in the future this is something that I would bare in mind.
Website 1 and 2 review
Website 1 pros
Website 1 (Bespoke Banter) was very good at utilising the white space on the page. This made their website smarter and more professional, they also had a colour that they would use and try to be recognised with making their site unique to them. They used that colour on each page which also made the site look smarter. I liked the navigation system that they used, everything wasn't just on the pages that were linked to the navigation bar like website 2 it was all spread out on separate pages.
When you clicked on some of the pages they would have categories of all their work listed which would link to separate pages. This made it so much easier to navigate and find specific information. I found this to be quite hard to do with the second website (john Brawley). Another feature I liked was the contact form. Here you would add your email and phone number so you could message the company directly. I can imagine this is an incredibly useful feature for a website to have, it makes the site look better and more professional. Compared to website 2 which just had a list of peoples emails to contact.
website 1 cons
I didn't like the layout at the bottom of each page where their information was at.
I think there's just a lot of white space that could have been used up even just by repositioning the purple box with the company's email more towards the centre of the page, I think it just looks a bit odd. Other than that though I couldn't find many problems or things that I would change.
website 2 pros
I liked how website has all of theirs work/trailers put out on the website to be seen, It is clear what the company does because of this. I also liked the slideshow on the first page, I think this was a nice feature added on the site, it help show what the website was about.
website 2 cons
Though I think the trailers could have been sorted out better on the website instead of just uploading each video on one page, they could have been given separate pages or been categorised better that way People trying to find specific information would find it. I think website 1 (Bespoke Banter) handled this really well, they categorised everything sorting all the information on the site. For example the main page has a slideshow and nothing else.
I think John Brawley's site information is scattered and handled poorly. They have lots of videos uploaded on the website without any context whatsoever. Apart from the about page there's little to no information about the company that's in text. I think this is a major issue with the site. All the information is hard to find. This is something that website 1 (Bespoke Banter) does a lot better. The site doesn't look that professional because of it, unlike bespoke which I think is the better site.
Website three
For my third website that I had to review I chose Microsoft’s.
The website is promoting computer hardware and software products. On the home page is a list of special bundles that are being sold and gaming consoles. It is already clear what Microsoft sells and the purpose of their website. The moment I load on the website on the home page there is a list of deals for both laptops and games. From the products they sell as well as from the style of the website I can deduce that Microsofts demographic is teenagers and middle aged adults. The font is quite professional and the website is very detailed so Adults can get as much information out of what they're buying. Younger kids would most likely find this boring or not have any interest, most of the time websites with lots of text puts children off. The reason why I think that this is still aimed at teenagers as well as adults is because there's a lot of things involving their console (the xbox) and the accessories that go with it. In the game section on the home page there's visuals for video games that have special deals. I think the combination of visual art and a lot of text helps aim at this demographic and makes it more appealing for them to scroll through.
The menus are clear and easy to understand. In the top of the site is the navigation bar. Each page name is titled well so it's easy to deduce what that page is about. I think this is expected from a company like Microsoft, considering they're one fo the most expensive companies. The navigation in this website is very easy to use though if you were a bit lost and wanted to go to the home page you can always click the logo. I don't think there's too much to talk about with the navigation because it already seems to be very simple and easy to use.
cons to the navigation: sometimes the content on the different pages can be quite overwhelming. I found that there was a lot of animating backgrounds which I didn't think helped make the experience of the website better, I found them quite annoying. It only made navigating harder.
Pos to the navigation: For the most part I had a pretty good idea where everything was. Everything seemed to be well described and labelled. When trying to find specific devices the were all on an appropriate pages which linked the category of the devices. I just found things so easily on the Microsoft site.
The design of the website is simple and uses up quite a lot of space. There's no big gaps on any of the pages I don't think that could have been used up. The navigation bar and terms of service are on the top and bottom of the page which is good and traditional to most web designs. There isn't too many slideshows which is good and centred at the top of the page which is good and keeps the site's tidiness. Each page has no more than 2 slideshows so each page on the site doesn't feel too crammed with content. The website's colours seem to be grey and green. There's quite a lot of colours used but the website still remains professional and sticks to grey, white and green. Overall I really like the layout of the website.
In terms of typography the text is very clear and readable. The font seems to be sans serif font so there aren't any tails on the ned of each letter, sans serif font is quite modern so it shows that Microsoft ages well with society. This sends a good message considering Microsoft is a tech company.
There is also a lot of animations. I think though that there should't be more than two on a page because I found them quite annoying when trying to find a specific laptop. The animations are done really and make the site seem more professional but I think most people on the site are just trying to find specific products as quick and easy as possible.
Overall I really liked Microsoft's site. It's very smart and neatly packed with lots of products. What I mean by that is that the site has a lot to offer but doesn't shove it down customers throat and still retains it's well designed layout. I really like this website and I prefer it to the other tow I reviewed on this page.
Website progression review
Overall with this task I didn't have to re-do or fix anything after having it reviewed by my teacher other than adding another website to review of my own choice. Originally after writing my thoughts on the two website give I forgot to give my own thoughts of one more website. That third website could be any site that I wanted to review. I ended up going for Microsoft's website because the company that the site is representing is a very professional company and I felt like the other websites given for me to review didn't look as smart as Microsoft's. So I wanted to compare a trillion dollar company with the Bespoke banter and John Brawley. Microsoft ended up having much more content and descriptions for their products and videos. After reviewing this website I'd completed every thing I needed to for task 1.