Joel Burton
post code: XXXX XXX, Bracknell, XXXXX
Email: phone:XXXXX XXXXXX
Personal statement:
Currently undergoing a 2 year level 3 media course at bracknell and Wokingham course. Looking to pursue a job in the media industry, preferably something in film.
Passed all of my GCSE's, all 9. These include: media, history, art, computer science, maths, science, RE, english literature and english language. I also completed a bronze D of E which involved loved me and a few others navigating where we were with a map and walking 16km. I was an RE ambassador for Ranelagh school which involved me going to primary schools and talking to children about religious teachings and how we should act in our everyday life..
Employment history:
GCSE passes in Media, history, art, computer science, maths, science, RE, english literature and english language.